UniCrypt: The Link between Security and Sound Investment Opportunities - Coindoo

UniCrypt: The Link between Security and Sound Investment Opportunities

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Feb 1, 2021
5 min reading time

Decentralized finance projects have lost consumer faith they previously had over time. UniCrypt is among the platforms that have grabbed this chance, as a blockchain platform that creates the best possible bridge between liquidity rewards while increasing consumer confidence.

The platform introduced its launchpad recently, which will allow any DeFi project to host a presale in a completely decentralized way. UniCrypt will create an excellent platform for start-up blockchain projects to secure liquidity and a boost towards success in the market. 

As a decentralized and automated platform, project teams are at a position to move their project from the presale phase to market initialization. Furthermore, there is assured scalability and an easy-to-maneuver interface, efficient for every participant. 

The Unicrypt team promotes its launchpad as a presale uniswap, intended as an alternative to centralized platforms such as the Binance Pad and the Unilayer Pad.

Differentiating Itself from Centralized Launchpads

UniCrypt’s Launchpad is unique in that it is fully decentralized, scalable, and automated to generate costs that benefit all hosted projects and token holders. The platform essentially redefines DeFi, giving start-up projects the freedom to launch their presale without applying and subsequent approval from the home center team.

Since its mission is to offer everyone equal opportunity, the UniCrypt launchpad is here for everyone who wants to start their journey. They will get to contribute and flag tokens as ‘audited.‘ In the end, it is an entirely decentralized, autonomous, and highly scalable platform.

UniCrypt is a competition to all its centralized peers, including Binance Launchpad, TrustSwap, to name a few. While centralized presale launchers have had a fair amount of popularity, they still lack in some areas. One such case is the freedom of everyone to use their platform.

Several factors have to be present for a project to pre-sell on a centralized launch site, depending on the host platform. Binance, for example, reviews a project’s history, how long it has been around, its potential in the crypto market, its acceptance, and much more. The launch panel team then decides which project is best done. While this is a great way to avoid fraudulent activity, young projects can feel intimidated in such situations.

Presale Conditions For Listing On UniCrypt

Source: Cryptoslate

Projects that wish to get included in Unicrypt must first start their token and set soft/hard caps. All tokens that initiate their presale must lock in at least 30% with an option of up to 100% of their liquidity in Uniswap’s liquidity pool. As soon as you complete this first step, the platform will activate the Unicrypt whitelist function available on the user interface.

The next step presents the maximum rounds that a project hopes to engage; UniCrypt has a set maximum of two rounds for every presale. The team can then explore their options regarding the token they would like to receive the funds in.

The first round is set aside for UNCX and UNCL token holders who must have a minimum of 4 UNCX or 50 UNCL in order to be able to participate. A successful presale at this round would be sold out in 2 hours.

Additionally, this factor will act as a boost of investor interest in the project in question. UniCrypt hopes to spice it all up as the top 100 holders of UNCX or UNCL will get a portion of the fees accumulated during the presale.

This reward mechanism encourages staking and provides the best possible start project with more icon holders. Also, token partner holders will have the opportunity to participate and win prizes from the private sphere.

The second presale round is open to everyone including the token team whitelisted addresses. The event will last between 1 second and two weeks. After the presale rounds have ended, the market starts with a function named publicly.

Unicrypt on A Fight Against DeFi Frauds

Since the emergence of DeFi, many projects have tried to restore investor hope and confidence in the DeFi world. UniCrypt is a fully decentralized and autonomous platform that supports portfolio management and offers users opportunities and transparent investment management.

The presale platform has a full link to the UniCrypt liquidity lockers with Uniswap v3 migration, hence, increasing the platform’s efficiency.

DeFi projects can also use the UniCrypt launchpad to identify suspicious projects that initiate presales on the platform, although independent, flagged for malicious activity, including logging, blacklisting projects, and proxies. As such, auditors on the platform will ensure that this data is available upfront during the presale.

The liquidity lockers are an assurance to investors that UniCrypt is on the frontline, fighting against fraudulent activities crowding the DeFi space. Therefore, the developer must lock in its liquidity for a certain period to protect finders’ funds. Plus, everyone gets their money back if the project does not reach its pre-soft cap.

A Bright Future for UniCrypt

2021 will be an exciting year for Unicrypt as its development team plans to integrate another blockchain in the upcoming months. It will continue to fix shortcomings in the existing DEX environment, improving it. The Unicrypt network has quickly become the most popular locking protocol in the Uniswap ecosystem and currently has over $94M in locked liquidity across 2715 liquidity lockers.

DeFi scams are not coming to an end. The concept of increased awareness and security tools does not protect people from scammers. Even so, everyone is obliged to study these projects to distinguish the bad from the good. After all, the DeFi industry is an excellent place to profit and participate in extraordinary innovations.

UniCrypt price, UNCX price index, chart, and info | CoinGecko

Currently, UniCrypt is the only liquidity platform that allows migration to Uniswap V3, an immediate exchange. An innovative decentralized launch site focused on offering greater trust and opportunity to all project teams and investors. The platform makes it easy for all stakeholders to get started lightning-fast and gain legitimacy with investors.

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