Blockchain Tech Development: What Coding Languages Do You Need? - Coindoo
Blockchain Tech Development

Blockchain Tech Development: What Coding Languages Do You Need?

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Sep 3, 2021
5 min reading time

If you are a programmer or software developer, you must have heard about Blockchain technology. Based on the fascinating nature of this technology, you won’t be wrong to predict that technologies of the future will rely entirely on it. Therefore, as a programmer, what languages should you learn to start developing using Blockchain? Below are some coding languages that support Blockchain tech development.

1. Python

Python has been a major app development programming language since its inception in 1991, and Blockchain technology isn’t an exception. Google has listed Python as one of its official languages and is compatible with big data, machine learning, AI, and the Internet of Things. The open-source nature of this programming language makes it a perfect choice for web development, as it significantly reduces the overall costs.

Open-source nature aside, several factors make Python a great programming language of choice for Blockchain technology. They include;

  • Python is very reliable, stable, and relatively easier to learn. This makes it easier for beginners to master the language in a short time.

  • Developers can precompile codes, which saves time.

  • Python has unmatched speed and versatility, making it a compelling language for Blockchain development.

2. Solidity

Solidity is a lesser-known yet high-level programming language used to develop smart contracts. This language is heavily influenced by C++, JavaScript, PowerShell, and Python. As such, it is mainly preferred for the development of private Blockchain technologies, such as those that compete with Ethereum. Nonetheless, below are some reasons for using Solidity for Blockchain development;

  • Developer friendly programming language

  • It is a reliable language for developing smart contracts or those that require self-enforcing.

  • Programmers can leverage JavaScript infrastructure from Solidity, enabling them to develop projects smoothly.

  • It has a static typing feature, meaning that codes won’t be compiled until they are error-free. This saves a lot of developers’ time.

3. Java

Java made its way into the programming world approximately 25 years ago as the official language used to develop Android apps. That aside, Java is also an excellent language for the backend development of various applications, including Blockchain technology. Main benefits of using Java for Blockchain development include;

  • It is a static language, making it easy to maintain

  • Its codes are portable and flexible.

  • It has an extensive library, which offers great architecture for Blockchain developers.

  • It is a recommended language for Ethereum development.

4. Ruby

Ruby is another language that has gained immense popularity in Blockchain programming. Like Java and Python, Ruby is considerably a high-level programming language, making it compatible with the development of Blockchain apps. Using ruby in your Blockchain project comes with the following benefits;

  • It has multiple modules and plugins that minimize coding, saving time.

  • It highly promotes test-driven project development, reducing development costs.

  • It is ideal for Blockchain projects that should be developed hurriedly. Ruby reduces up to 30% of project development time.

5. C#

C# is an open-source and object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft as a Java substitute. It has great similarities with C and Java programming languages, thus also considered a good option for Blockchain tech development. Below are some benefits of choosing the C# for your Blockchain app development;

  • It is open-source, thus a cost-effective option.

  • Possible code portability, which allows for cross-platform app development

  • It is an object-oriented language, thus produces highly performing final products

  • It has the same syntax as Java and C++, thus easier for avid developers to modify and interpret codes.

6. Go Programming Language

Go is another coding language developed by Google that can also be used for app development. Generally, it is a highly flexible language with a simple learning curve, making it perfect for big data, machine learning, and Blockchain app development. Go offers great scalability and performs optimally. Below are key benefits of using Go;

  • It has a similar syntax to C, making it easy for experienced Blockchain developers to comprehend codes.

  • Has memory safety features, meaning your apps won’t be affected by bugs

  • Very readable and usable, just like Java and Python. These features support its scalability and optimal performance speed.

7. JavaScript

JavaScript features an asynchronous code nature, which is very beneficial for app developers. Also known as parallel programming, this feature allows program developers to perform several tasks simultaneously. Using JavaScript for Blockchain app development comes with the following benefits;

  • NodeJS helps developers create advanced solutions for firms investing in Blockchain solutions.

  • Supports great scalability, which is great for any software development language

  • Like Java and Python, JavaScript offers great control over Blockchain tech

  • Features several frameworks that support quick and smooth app development

The Bottom Line

While several languages can support Blockchain tech development, not all can mitigate the challenges associated with Blockchain coding. Therefore, any Blockchain tech development language should address major coding issues, including security, resource management, performance, and Blockchain code isolation. Military veterans who want to learn Blockchain coding can use veteran discounts to improve their coding knowledge.

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